By Luciano Moreira , 27 September, 2024

A group of four young researchers joined JRAAS and the Digital Lab in April 2024. I have the pleasure of working daily with them and want to share a list (in the good tradition of Latour) of achievements that is far from being exhaustive:

  • relaunched the newsletter (3 issues);
  • launched a film cycle with two films (non-places in Hitchcok) at the Cine-club da Maia (i.e. outside the university gates);
  • are preparing to launch a three-film cycle in November on the oceans (Blue Humanities);
  • recovered the Alimentopia website (, the Alimentopia database (, the Utopian Vegetarians database (; created a map (to be improved) of subscribers to O Vegetariano around the world (, supplemented information about vegetarians and connected to open linked data, particularly to Wikidata;
  • inserted two new plays into the Shakespeare Translation Memory (two more will be inserted by December);
  • organised the Digital Lab Open Day;
  • organised three interventions in Valongo as part of Valongo Utopian City;
  • participated in the development of the Horizon (coming soon);
  • published posts on the new Digital Lab blog:
  • organised around 500 new entries in the ARUS Repository, which now exceeds 20,000 entries;
  • revisited the Great Utopian Minds and will soon deliver a new visualisation with open linked data;
  • helped to recreate the CLIL website : 
  • will present a paper at the TechLing conference on the work done in Valongo (with reference to CLIL, Utopias and Digital Media) entitled Create your own utopia: A Case Study on integrating the Internet, Language and Utopia;
  • have submitted a paper to DDHUM 2024 entitled Looking From A Distance: Digital Humanities Insights into the Field of Feminist Utopian Criticism;
  • will take part in November in a workshop organised by Keep on institutional repositories at the 11th Data Management Forum;
  • have submitted a presentation to the same Forum;
  • Felipe Ferreira, who is not a JRAAS but works with them, will present a workshop on Drupal Day at the University of Aveiro in October;
  • are preparing articles for the Via Panoramica call and the 2nd Researchers Meeting (including a workshop) to be submitted by 30 September.

The list, as I said, is not exhaustive.