2nd FLUP Research Meeting - Sustain All

By Teresa Aguiar, 26 November, 2024

The 2nd FLUP Research Meeting, held in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, highlights interdisciplinary/ collaborative research projects using digital methods or techniques with applications to Social Sciences and Humanities.

Reading this event’s description, it seemed an excellent opportunity to disseminate my doctoral project for the first time. November 18th and 19th I will be presenting the conceptualization of my doctoral project, entitled “Sustainability – representations in digital media and schools”. Specifically, I will focus on the project’s main ideas and how they emerged from the results of a previous project, SustainAll, in which I was a fellow researcher.

Sustain All - Erasmus +

SustainAll (https://sustainall.eu/en/) is an Erasmus+ aimed at promoting Education for Sustainable Development, through case studies in primary and secondary schools in Austria, Germany, Norway, and Portugal, resulting in the development of an in-service training course for teachers and Guidelines and recommendations based on the literature and good practice examples. This project also showed how school practices are related to school actors’ perceptions of sustainability and how sparse knowledge on sustainability is. 

This set the mote to develop a doctoral project exploring in more detail the perceptions of school actors on sustainability and how these influence their practice. Even more, this project intends to acknowledge the role of media in shaping the school actors’ social representations of sustainability.

The Second FLUP Research Meeting will certainly promote sharing and open discussions about interdisciplinary, collaborative, and digital practices. This is exactly the first step needed to launch a new project born from interdisciplinary, collaborative, and digital practices.